Title is: 明日を繋いで, or something like “Connect Tomorrow”
Translation by Ungrave, though this is a poetic song so there are many ways to interpret the nuance
今もまだ思い出す 初めてのトキメキを 夢の欠片積むいて 追いかけてた流れ星目指す
強く握りしめた あの時の勇気を信じて 躓いても立ち止まらず 明日を捕まえに行く
描いた未来 今も繋がている まだ見たこともない星空 夢の続きを 明日に届けて 扉開こう
一人だけの世界で 時間さえ見えなくて 空に映した心 流れ落ちた一粒の涙
遠く離れていても この声が届くと信じて 躓いても言い聞かせて 明日に駆け出して行く
輝く未来 今も広がている 瞬き続ける星たち 溢れる気持ち 明日に届けて 光探そう
ずっと閉じ込めていた 本当の自分を信じて 躓いてもどんな時も 明日は輝いていく
描いた未来 今も繋がている 時を飛び越えた約束 夢の続きを 明日に届けて
目の前に広がる この空の彼方 どこまでも進もう
Even now I still remember That first spart of excitement Gathering fragments of dreams Aiming to chase that shooting star
I held tightly to My courage from that time Even if I stumble I won’t stop moving To go capture tomorrow
The future I imagined is still connected even now The starry sky I’ve never seen The continuation of my dreams Deliver it tomorrow So let’s open the door
In a world of my own Where I can’t see anything but the time My heart projected on the sky Drips a single tear
Even when we’re far apart I believe this voice will reach you Even if you stumble, listen up And run out into tomorrow
The sparkling future Is still expanding even now The stars who continue to twinkle These overflowing feelings Will arrive tomorrow So let’s find the light
Though I’ve always kept it locked up I’ll believe in my true self Even when I stumble, no matter when Tomorrow will shine brighter and brighter
The future I imagined is still connected even now With a promise transcending time The continuation of my dreams Deliver it tomorrow
Spread out before your eyes Extending beyond this sky Let’s keep going no matter how far