Translation by Ungrave

今日もどこかで 悪に惑う悲鳴のユニゾン こうしちゃいらんないっ うっかりココと しっかりナナで 過剰な正義の中学2年

飛・ば・せ♡らぶびいむ ぱ・ん・ち♡素手で 愛は痛い? かくごしなさいっ

ふたりはらぶちゅ戦うの 敵は悪さがわるい ヤダ強いね 燃えてきたっ 驚天動地が到来で 未踏のパワー見てて? いまはきっと 夢がだいじだ 意外と正しい…まかせて!

らぶちゅのちゅは中学生ではない たぶん 謎が謎呼ぶ じょしせいふく 鎧だから 打撃は効かない中学2年

そ・こ・だ♡らぶちょっぷ い・ま・だ♡頭突き 愛がヒドい? 容赦しないよねっ

いま心が呼んだ平和なら 取り戻すんだこの手で かなりイイね 熱くなるっ 天真爛漫に参上だ 不屈でせかい変わる それはきっと 愛があるから 意外と優しい

飛・ば・せ♡らぶびいむ ぱ・ん・ち♡素手で 愛は正義! かくごしなさいっ

ふたりはらぶちゅ戦うの すべてを救う日まで だいすきを守るため 驚天動地が到来で 未踏のパワー見てて? いまはきっと 夢がだいじだ らぶちゅにまかせて…まかせて!

Today, somewhere are screams in unison Can’t leave it like this With careless Koko, and reliable Nana Middle school second years of excess justic

Let・it・fly ♡ Love Beam Pu・n・ch ♡ Bare handed Is the love painful? Then prepare yourself!

We are Love Chu, fighting the enemies bad evil Wow they’re strong I’m getting fired up With earth-shaking events, see at our unprecedented power? Right now dreams are definitely important Surprisingly righteous… leave it to us!

The chu in Love Chu isn’t “chugakusei”(1) probably Mystery calls for mystery A girl’s uniform is armour so Attacks don’t affect middle school second years

There・it・is ♡ Love Chop Righ・t・now ♡ Head butt Love is cruel? We won’t show mercy!

If our hearts call for peace, we’ll take it back with these hands That’s pretty good, I’m getting fired up! Arriving with innocence, changing the world with persistence That’s surely because there’s love Surprisingly kind

Let・it・fly ♡ Love Beam Pu・n・ch ♡ Bare handed Love is justice! So prepare yourself!

We are Love Chu, fighting until the day we save everything To protect all that we love With earth-shaking events, see at our unprecedented power? Right now dreams are definitely important Leave it to Love Chu… Leave it to us!

  1. Chugakusei = middle schooler, chu could mean that or kiss.