English title: Life and Death! Mayor Nanahira’s Dokidoki☆Manifesto
Translation by Ungrave
どうもどうも~!みなさん、こんにちは~! 今日からなんと私、市長になります!( ´艸`) まぁ、ゲームの中での話だけどね… ではではさっそく始めたいと思います 名前は、ななひら市長っと… 大都市目指して頑張ります~!(^^)/
今日も街のみんなのために デスクに向かうあたし(よっこいしょッ!) どんな問題も解決ッ! ワンクリックで(ポチッとな)
みんなが健康でいて 安全な街にしましょう(やくそく☆) それがあたしのマニフェスト 実現させます!
ゴミ問題(か、各家庭で処理してください) 教育(街の外にも学校はあるので…) 治安も(人員不足ゆえのぞんざいな警備…) 火災も(それは大丈夫…って同時に2件!?)
任せなさい!と(みんなの前で)言ったけど…(どうしよう!?) 公共インフラ、火の車 ヤバイかも!?
時よ止まれ! すると代わりに電気が(あれ!?)止まって 苦情殺到 助けて~><
またさらに学生暴動!? 市長の銅像破壊を皮切りに世紀末
うわわ、火事の被害が周りの家(うち)にも! 消防署ももう限界だし…(;´Д`) そうだ!こんな時は周りのビルを解体して被害を最小限にしよう! と、取り壊せ~…!
なんとか騒ぎを収め 市長に再就任した(ふぅ~)
築いてきた人徳で 再出発!(れっつごー!)
街を上から見下ろすと 模様になる遊びとか 余裕ができてきた頃に 空からUFO!?(まじ!?)
宇宙人「◎△$♪×¥●&%#?!」 通訳「ああ、ミステリーサークルに呼ばれて来たと…」 宇宙人「¥△●◎×♪!&%#$!」 地球人「「え?戦争!?」」
超展開に(もう全く)ついてけない!(でもやらなきゃ!) 街のみんな、武器は持ったか!? 戦いだ!(あ…なるべく私の屋敷からは離れてね☆)
富豪たちは逃げて 勇気ある者が 残ったあたしの町は 最終決戦!(であえであえ~!)
紛争で増した軍事力 無事宇宙人撃退したけど これゲーム違う…!
この騒ぎで街は 観光名所に いろいろ潤う結果 意外すぎッ! 人口密度、世界新記録 道路が渋滞~!
道路を伸ばしたり 環境悩んで それがななひら市長のお仕事 だんだんと町も落ち着いて そんな時にプレジデントに緊急電話が
ふはは、街はどんな事態も対処できるように すべてのインフラを整えた!! 最強すぎる!ななひらシティはもはや完全無敵の要塞。 ふふ、どんなトラブルもかかってきなさ(ry
Hey hey~! Everyone, hello there~! Starting today believe it or not I’m the mayor! ( ´艸`) Well, only in a game though… Alrighty then let’s get started right away My name is: Mayor Nanahira… I’ll do my best to make a metropolis~! (^^)/
Today again for the people of the city I’m sitting at my desk (heave-ho!) I’ll solve any problem! With one click (click!)
I make sure everyone’s healthy And that the city is safe (promise☆) That’s my manifesto, I’ll make it happen!
Trash problems (um, please handle that at home) Education (There are schools outside the city so…) Public order (Due to staff shortages security is sloppy…) And fires (This one’s fine… wait two at once!?)
”Leave it to me!” (in front of everyone) is what I said… (what do I do!?) Public infrastructure is in dire straights This might be bad!?
”Th, that’s right! I’ll secretly raise the tax of the citiz (ry”
Time freeze! Then in exchange the electricity (Huh!?) stops Flood of complaints, help me~><
Then on top of that a student uprising!? With the mayor statue being destroyed begins the end of the world
”Sterilize the filth~!”
It wasn’t supposed to be like this!
Uwawa, the fire has spread to the surrounding houses! The fire stations at it’s limit…(;´Д`) I know! For times like this just demolish the surrounding buildings to minimize the damage! T, tear them down~…!
After somehow managing to calm things down I was reinstated mayor (fuu~)
With the virtue I’ve built up It’s a fresh start! (Let’s go!
Looking down on the city from above Playing around with the layout and such Just when I feel like I have some leeway A UFO from the sky!? (Seriously!?)
Alien “◎△$♪×¥●&%#?!” Interpreter “Ah, they were called by the crop circles…” Alien “¥△●◎×♪!&%#$!” Earthlings “Eh? War!?”
These developments (jeez) I can’t keep up! (But I have to!) The people of the city, have weapons!? It’s a fight! (Ah, just keep it away from my mansion okay☆)
The rich ran away Only the brave ones remain In my city as it faces The final battle! (Come on, come on~!)
Military might increased in the conflict and managed to repel the aliens, but This is a different game…!
(Th, there aren’t enough healing items…!)
It wasn’t supposed to be like this!
Thanks to the commotion the city became a tourist attraction And flourished in may ways, this is too unexpected! The population reached a new world record The roads are in gridlock~!
Yes! This is the game I wanted!
”Alright! Time to show off my skills!”
Extending roads, Worrying about the environment, that’s mayor Nanahira’s job Gradually the city settles down And at that moment I get an emergency call from the president
”Is it a monster next? A tornado?
Bring it on whatever it is!
Fuhaha, so the city can handle any problem I’ve built up all the infrastructure!! It’s too strong! Nanahira city is already an invincible fortress. Fufu, whatever trouble it is come at m (ry
Huh… eh, the plug came out!?
”I guess I’m no match for mama’s vacuum cleaner…”