I want to eat ramen Translation by Ungrave
深夜1時アニメタイム なにか足りない 深夜3時まんがタイム 満たされてない なんだ なにが、なにがたりないッ ほとばしるよくぼう これはなに?
ほんとはわかるわ この小さな胸 震わすもの(お・な・か・す・い・た)
星は瞬き月は微笑む こんな綺麗な夜だもん あの日の恋みたいに熱い ラーメン食べたい 名前を呼べば会いたくなるの きっとあなたもそうでしょ ああ…想うたび切ない この気持ちは
目を閉じれば瞼の裏 なにか足りない 夕べの風ちょっと寂しい すぐに会いたい
決してもう二度と 自分誤魔化さない 素直になるの
時に傷ついて涙があふれる日もある 花に水をあげるように 心にはアブラをあげよう
この身を満たし乾きを癒す きっと愛と呼べるもの 幾千もの時を超えて 巡り会えたわ 名前を呼べば会いたくなるの きっとあなたもそうでしょ ああ…想うたび切ない この気持ちは
ラーメン食べたい 今すぐ食べたい
I want to eat ramen
1 a.m. late night anime time, something is missing 3 a.m. late night manga time, I’m not satisfied What? What is it, something is missing! This overflowing desire, what is it?
I actually know though, this small bosom Is trembling because (I·a·m·h·u·n·g·r·y)
The stars twinkle and moon smiles, such a beautiful night Just like the heat of love that day; I want to eat ramen When I call your name, I want to see you; surely you feel the same Ah…. Just thinking is painful, this feeling is
I want to eat ramen
When I close my eyes behind my eyelids, something is missing The evening wind is a little lonely, I want to meet right away
I will never again deceive myself I will be honest
Sometimes I get hurt, and there are days my tears flow As if I’m watering the flowers I water my heart with the oil
Surely that which heals this body’s parched desires can be called love Transcending thousands of years we could somehow meet When I call your name, I want to see you; surely you feel the same Ah…. Just thinking is painful, this feeling is
I want to eat ramen I want to eat it right now