To-Ryo-Ka (Transparent Spirit Flower)

Translation by Ungrave

(視えないが触れられる) (話せないが薫れる)

誰にも視えない蕐に生まれて 唯 匂いだけ宿しているらしい 散れば消え 去んで了えるけれど 叉 寒うなれば命が還る

何年も 何壱拾年も 靣影を諦められずに居る 憐れなこの莖を 拏扱ろうとした掌を

嗚呼 早く 早く 早く 此の無常な命を見付けて下さいませんか 嗚呼 雨が 雨が 雨が 亦花瓣靜に殴って痛む 亦鼕が萠て消え 視えない希望も散る

幽かな壱音にも為らなくても 唯 歎いて 囁いて 喚んでいる 去年と仝じ寒凬が搖らして 去去年と仝じ塵が葉に椉る

何年も 何壱拾年も 此処からは根を動かせずにいる 明日こそ 今宵こそ 握ってくれると願って

嗚呼 早く 早く 早く 未だ蕾の間に捜して下さいませんか 嗚呼 風が 風が 風が 亦 恰も聲 叫ぶ様に 馨る 亦何時か手の熱に出逢う日 希う

綻びて 萌出て 振落して また兆して

嗚呼 早く 早く 早く 此の無常な命を見付けて下さいませんか 此の蕐を

嗚呼 早く 早く 早く さあ 輪廻毎摘んで仕舞って下さいませんか

嗚呼 雪が 雪が 雪が 亦 軆を畫いて居場所 映す 未だ 朝露は零さずに取って置こう 亦 温もりの中で哭ける其の日を

待つ 待つ 待つ 咲く

(Cannot be seen, but can be touched) (Cannot speak, but has a fragrance)

Born as a flow that none can see But, seems to have just a scent Though it scatters and disappears on death Again, when it gets cold life returns

For years, and for decades Unable to give up on that face This pitiful stem And the palm that tries to grasp it

Ah, quickly, quickly, quickly Won’t you please find this transient life Ah, the rain, the rain, the rain Again, beating the still petals, it hurts Again, drums sprout and disappear, scattering unseen hope as well

Even without becoming a faint sound But, lamenting, whispering, calling out Rocked by the same cold wind as the year before The same dust settles on the leaves as the year before that

For years, and for decades Unable to move these roots from here Tomorrow surely, tonight surely, Wishing to be seized

Ah, quickly, quickly, quickly, Can you please search while I’m still a bud Ah, the wind, the wind, the wind, Again, the fragrance shouting as if it were a voice Again, hoping to someday meet the warmth of a hand

Blooming, sprouting Shaking off, and sprouting once more

Ah, quickly, quickly, quickly, Can you please find this transient life Find this flower

Ah, quickly, quickly, quickly Now can you please pluck me every incarnation

Ah, the snow, the snow, the snow Again, reflecting the place my body is drawn I will hold the morning dew without spilling it Again, until the day I can cry in the warmth

I’ll wait, I’ll wait, I’ll wait And bloom