Pocket Surprise

Music & Lyrics: はるなば (Harunaba) Smartphone App “Pocket Girl~ Hunting the Devil” theme song

Translated by Ungrave

自分らしさってなんでしょう? 笑顔で自慢できる様な玩具持っていないわ 何を好きになればいいの 知らない事だらけの世界は広すぎて

あなたでも 油断すれば迷子になるのね 冒険のスタート

ポケットに押し込む 雨のように振る宝石 揺らぐ眩しさで溢れてしまう 教えて何処から何処までが宝物 あなたが選ぶ夢

いつからが大人なの? 嫌いな野菜も全部ちゃんと食べたのに 自分の限界は何処? 出来ない事だらけの夜空は寂しくて

気が付けば 手の届くところにある星 背が伸びたの?

ポケットが慌てて 口を開いた出会い 言い忘れたことありそうな顔で 教えてくれたね繰り返す毎日の 笑顔の見つけ方

浮かれた夢でも 綺麗に色載せて 想像を超えた先へ

ポケットに押し込む 雨のように揺る宝石 揺らぐ眩しさで溢れてしまう 教えて何処から何処までが宝物 連れて行って

ポケットが慌てて 口を開いた出会い 言い忘れたことももう何もない おはようおやすみ繰り返す毎日の 笑顔の見つけ方

What does it mean to ‘be yourself’? I don’t have a toy I can show off with a smile What am I supposed to love? The world full of stuff I don’t know is too vast

Even you If you let your guard down you’ll get lost The start of an adventure

Stuffed into my pocket Gems sprinkle like rain Their shimmering brilliance will overflow Tell me, from where to where is the treasure The dream that you choose

When does being an adult start? Even though I eat all the gross vegetables Where is are my limits? The stary sky of things I can’t do is lonely

Before I knew it There was a star within my reach Did I grow taller?

My pocket hurriedly Opened it’s mouth to an encounter With a face like you forgot what to say You taught me how to find a smile In the repeating days

Even in festive dreams I beautifully add colour And go beyond what I imagined.

Stuffed into my pocket Gems sprinkle like rain Their shimmering brilliance will overflow Tell me, from where to where is the treasure Take me there

My pocket hurriedly Opened it’s mouth to an encounter Not forgetting to say anything anymore Good morning, good night, how to find a smile in the repeating days