Translation by Ungrave
綺麗な音は儚いとずっと昔から決まっているよ チャイムが響く さよならの合図 遠くの席で寝てるふりするきみを見ていた
ぼくらが未来をいつの日か通り過ぎて同じだけ歳を重ねて 冷たくなった手を今と同じ強さで握っていてくれたらいいな
未来がぼくらを永遠に閉じ込めて同じキラキラを見飽きて 流れない涙を見つけてすぐにぼくを連れ出してくれるの?
なにもかも時間は平等に洗い流してしまうよ 想いも傷も名前も全部 消えてく二人の足跡を繰り返し確かめて歩いて 歩いて 歩いて行こう
ぼくらが未来をいつの日か通り過ぎて同じだけ歳を重ねて 流れた涙が静かに撫でた頬をきみが触れてくれたら
いつかは世界の色が薄まっていっても違うキラキラを探そう 優しくなった目で今と同じ気持ちを伝えていてくれたら 今も同じ気持ちで隣にいてくれたらいいな
It was known long ago that beautiful sounds are fleeting The chime rings out, the signal for goodbye In a far away seat I gaze at you pretending to sleep
The colour of that day wasn’t artificial, it was a jewel no one knew
Someday we’ll pass into the future growing older by the same measure If you’ll still hold my cold hands with the same strength, would be nice
Our hearts’ string is so thin, it seems like it might loose without noticing
If the future locks us in and we grow bored of seeing the same sparkle Will you find those tears that don’t fall and pull me out right away?
Time washes away everything impartially Our feelings, wounds, even names—everything While checking our fading footprints behind us, let’s walk Walk, go walking
Someday we’ll pass into the future growing older by the same measure If you’ll quietly brush away those tears flowing down my cheeks
Even if the world’s colour fades, let’s search for a new sparkle If you’ll show me the same feelings as now with softened eyes If you’ll stay by my side with those same feelings, would be nice