Title translates to: Unimplemented Translation by Ungrave
胸が無くてもいいじゃん 有ると動きづらいもん 別にいじけてないし 肩こりとか無縁でラッキー 胸が無くてもいいじゃん 矢とか食らいづらいもん 乳首付いてりゃいいし コンパクトなサイズでラッキー
オリジナルボディ 忠実に再現
はっきり言って パーフェクトに未実装
オリジナルボディ spirit しな spit it
胸が無くてもいいじゃん 有ると動きづらいもん 別にいじけてないし 肩こりとか無縁でラッキー 胸が無くてもいいじゃん 矢とか食らいづらいもん 乳首付いてりゃいいし コンパクトなサイズでラッキー
どうしてこうなった パーフェクトに未実装
3次元のボディ spir it しな spit it
ニッセンねぇ! しまむらねぇ!
胸が無くてもいいじゃん 有ると動きづらいもん 別にいじけてないし 肩こりとか無縁でラッキー 胸が無くてもいいじゃん 矢とか食らいづらいもん 乳首付いてりゃいいし コンパクトなサイズでラッキー
Isn’t it fine to not have breasts Having them just makes it hard to move I’m not really sulking or anything Not worrying about shoulder pain is lucky Isn’t it fine to not have breasts It’s harder to get hit by arrows and all It’s fine as long as I have nipples Being compact size is lucky
It’s a bit rude to just say “nothing, nothing” It’s not nothing, I’m just slender Most things are flat and simple I’ll grow gradually into a dynamite bomb
The original body was faithfully recreated
To be blunt, it’s perfectly unimplemented
Original body, put in spirit - spit it
Not in PEACH JOHN! Not in AMO'S! (1)
There’s no underwear my size!
Isn’t it fine to not have breasts Having them just makes it hard to move I’m not really sulking or anything Not worrying about shoulder pain is lucky Isn’t it fine to not have breasts It’s harder to get hit by arrows and all It’s fine as long as I have nipples Being compact size is lucky
I don’t weigh much and cosplay is easy Going to the store at night, 100% stopped by cops I can lay face up and face down freely so sleeping is easy I’ll grow gradually into a Holstein (2)
I’m 2D so I could just fake it
Why did it turn out like this? Perfectly unimplemented
3D body, spir it - spit it
Not in Nissen! Not in Shimamura! (3)
There’s no underwear my size!
Isn’t it fine to not have breasts Having them just makes it hard to move I’m not really sulking or anything Not worrying about shoulder pain is lucky Isn’t it fine to not have breasts It’s harder to get hit by arrows and all It’s fine as long as I have nipples Being compact size is lucky