Translation By Ungrave

聴こえるかな 輝く星たち

思い出して 重ねあった言葉は

手のひらに包んだ夢を 待つだけじゃダメだって
その手伸ばしてみよう きっと届くから!

君だけの物語 空に描き進もう
雲間に隠れても 紡ぎ続けて
開かれた1ページ きっと巡り会うよ
ココロに響くメロディ 抱きしめて

聴こえるかな 並んだ音符が

焦らずに進もうよ 夢を掴むまで!

今だけの物語 ずっと離さないで
どんなに迷っても 照らしていける
振り返る道のりが きっと勇気になる
ココロを繋ぐストーリー 追いかけて

忘れられない想いも 抱えた胸に込めた願いも
踏み出してみよう いつも一緒だよ!

君だけの物語 空に描き進もう
雲間に隠れても 紡ぎ続けて
開かれた1ページ きっと巡り会うよ
ココロに響くメロディ 抱きしめて いつまでも

Can you hear them—the shining stars? Do you remember the wish from that day?

Remember them, the words we layered together How back then they continued forever

The dreams in your palm, you can’t just wait for them Try reaching out that hand, It’ll surely reach!

A story just for you, let’s keep drawing it across the sky Even if it hides among the clouds, keep on weaving it The open first page, surely we’ll meet That melody resonating in your heart, embrace it

Can you hear them—the line of notes That’ll overflow into tomorrow spreading into the scenery

”It won’t start if you just watch” believe in that brilliance Let’s proceed without rushing, until we’ve caught our dreams!

A story just for you, never let it go No matter how lost you are, keep on shining Looking back at your journey so far will become your courage That story connecting our hearts, chase after it

Those unforgettable feelings, and wishes sealed in your heart Pack them all in as they are, Try taking a step forward, we’re always together!

A story just for you, let’s keep drawing it across the sky Even if it hides among the clouds, keep on weaving it The open first page, surely we’ll meet That melody resonating in your heart, embrace it