MTL from ChatGPT because Ungrave can’t admit that some of these lines are his fault and wants to just blame it on the robot.
Anyway: ココ is red, なな is green, together they’re pink (not shaking though). Note that sometimes they’ll sing faintly behind each other’s parts. I coloured the text before adding romanji so that will come later when I have some more time.
ほら ぎゅっとね ぎゅっとね つないでいてね
Hey, hug me, hug me, stay with me
As if confirming the faint warmth
Let's always paint together
It's like a thought-feeling sympathy
A breath caught in my throat
Without becoming a voice, dissolved into the sky
Is a cold what’s making my skin get hot…?
ほんとのきもち 照れ隠しして
Hiding my true feelings out of embarrassment
When you stare at me, it feels like you see right through me
When our eyes meet, I look down
Hey, right now, I want you to hold me gently
君に 君に 君に なんてね
You, you, you, just kidding
そうだ ずっとね ずっとね 過ごす毎日
Yes, always, always spending our days together
Even trivial things become precious
Hidden in the repeating days
どーなの?そーなの? 探して!
How is it? Is it like this? Find it!
ほら ぎゅっとね ぎゅっとね つないだ手と手
Hey, hug tightly, hug tightly, hand in hand
So that our intertwined fingers don't separate
伝わるよ 何も言わなくたって
I can feel it, even without words
相思相愛? 巡り巡るシンフォニー
Is it mutual love? A symphony that goes round and round
On days when I feel uneasy for no reason
君にワガママ 振り回してみたり
I try to be selfish with you
ときに甘えんぼで 怒りんぼで
Sometimes I'm spoiled, sometimes I'm angry
ほんとのところ さみしがりやだ
The truth is, I just don’t want to be lonely
When you stare at me, it feels like you see right through me
With our eyes still meeting
ねえ、たった一人 どうか気づいててほしい
Hey, there’s just one person I want to notice
君に 君に 君に なんてね
You, you, you, just kidding
そうだ もっとね もっとね 今日より明日は
Yes, more, more than today tomorrow
I'm sure I'll be thinking about you
Before I knew it, this feeling has grown so big
What is this? Is that it? That’s unfair!
ほら きっとね きっとね 笑えるくらい
Hey, surely, surely, we can laugh about it
二人 アタマの中 おんなじつもりで
Thinking the same thoughts in our heads
だってそうでしょ? どうかな 勘違いかな
Because that's how it is, right? Or is it just my misunderstanding?
実は全部 偶然でもかまわなくて
Actually, it doesn't matter if it's all coincidence
There must be something that reaches further than words
だって 伝わらないココロはかなしすぎるから
Because a heart that doesn't get through is too sad