Translation by chatGPT, vaguely looked over by Ungrave and it’s roughly correct in most places. If you have any major changes you want made, or a better translation out there, let me know and I’ll replace this.
JP lyrics from here: thanks IjalRamd
変わりたくたってしょうがない Kawaritakutatte shouganai Even if I want to change, it can't be helped
口だけで 何も変わんないまま Kuchidake de nanimo kawannai mama Just talking, nothing changes
This Sunday 片付きもせずに過ぎていく This Sunday katazuki mo sezu ni sugite iku This Sunday passes by without cleaning up
ジャングルぐるぐる ハートのお部屋はジャンぐるぐるみたいに Janguru guruguru haato no oheya wa janguru guruguru mitai ni Jungle swirl, my heart's room is like a jungle swirl
一生とっ散らかったままなんだ Isshou tocchirakatta mama nanda It's always a mess
うぉー!(うぉー!)いぇー!(いぇー!) Whoa! (Whoa!) Yeah! (Yeah!)
うぉ!(うぉ!)いぇ!(いぇ!) Whoa! (Whoa!) Yeah! (Yeah!)
そんなあたしにおかんは言う Sonna atashi ni okan wa iu My mom says to me,
「ボサッとしてないで部屋片しな」 "Bosatto shitenai de heya katashina" "Stop lazing around and clean your room."
ったってどこから手一つけりゃいいか Tattete doko kara te hitotsukerya iika But I don't even know where to start
ごっちゃごちゃごちゃのクロゼットには Gotcha gotcha gotcha no kurozetto ni wa The closet is a mess
もう着ない服だらけや Mou kinai fuku darake ya Full of clothes I don't wear anymore
「なんだこりゃ・・・」 "Nanda korya..." "What is this..."
ゴミ箱に(ポイ!)クズカゴに(ポイポイ!) Gomibako ni (poi!) Kuzukago ni (poi poi!) Into the trash (toss!) Into the wastebasket (toss toss!)
部屋着のあたしにおかんは言う Heyagi no atashi ni okan wa iu In my room clothes, my mom says to me
「あんたそんなんでどうすんの?そら彼氏も愛想つかすわ」 "Anta sonnande dousun no? Sora kareshi mo aisou tsukasu wa" "How are you gonna manage like this? No wonder your boyfriend left you."
「・・・今その話する?」 "...Ima sono hanashi suru?" "...Do we have to talk about that now?"