Heart Chirality
Somewhat MTL by chatgpt. Ungrave edited it but isn’t satisfied.
Colour coding guide: Nanahira NU-KO Together
明るい声 いつも楽しそうで どんなときも一生懸命な横顔
不安な時 隣にいてくれて いつもそっと背中押して支えてくれる
いつも見てるよ 君のことだけ 気付かれたい?気付かないで? じっと見つめて…逸らした><
触れて離れて 揺れる こんな恋のチラリズム ドキドキする鼓動 早くなるよ 言えないから キミのハートにつなげて この気持ち 伝わればいいのに…なんて欲張り?
真面目な顔 真剣なまなざし 頑張り屋でそんな時覗く笑顔も
優しすぎて 背伸びをしてるとこ オトナだよね だけど少し心配になる
いつも一緒で そばにいるのに 近すぎかな?遠いかな? そっとこの手を重ねたい
君と私が紡ぐ こんな恋のポリリズム ドキドキする鼓動 いつのまにか 甘いメロディ キミもおなじならいいな この願い 届く日がくるように…なんて願うよ
触れて離れて 揺れる こんな恋はチラリズム ドキドキする鼓動 熱くなるよ 知りたいコト キミのハートにつなげて もう全部 わかったらいいのに…なんて欲張り?
Your bright voice, always cheerful, Your earnest profile, no matter the time.
When I'm anxious, you're beside me, Always gently pushing my back, supporting me.
I always watch, only you, Do you want me to notice? Or not? I stare intently... and then look away ><
Touching, parting, swaying, This kind of fleeting glimpse of love. My heart pounds, beating faster, Because I can't say it, I want to connect to your heart, Would it be too greedy if this feeling reached you?
Your serious face, earnest gaze, Hardworking, and those smiles that peek out.
Too kind, when you're overreaching, You're so mature, but I get a little worried.
Always together, though you're by my side, Are we too close? Too far? I want to gently place my hand over yours.
You and I weave together, This kind of polyrhythm of love. Heart pounding, before we know it, A sweet melody, I hope you feel the same.
I wish for a day when this wish comes true.
Touching, parting, swaying, This kind of fleeting glimpse of love. Heart pounding, growing warmer, Connecting to your heart the things I want to know, Would it be too greedy if I understood it all?