Moonlit Night, Taiyaki, and the Pond Carp
MTL by chatGPT after Ungrave yelled at it a bit to do better and try harder.
ある朝 目を覚ますとそこは
aru asa me o samasu to soko wa
One morning, when I woke up
minareta beddo no ue… janakute
it wasn't on the familiar bed...
watashi wa teppan no ue ni yokotawaru taiyaki deshita
I was lying on an iron plate as a taiyaki
何故かな 昨晩はたしか
naze ka na sakuban wa tashika
Why is this? Last night, surely
itsumo doori heya de neta yo ne
I slept in my room as usual
そういえば 寝る前に食べ残した
sou ieba neru mae ni tabenokoshita
Come to think of it, I left some taiyaki unfinished before sleeping
taiyaki no noroi na no kashira?
Is this the curse of the taiyaki?
toriaezu mise no ojisan to
For now, with the shopkeeper
喧嘩して 海に飛び込んだけど
kenka shite umi ni tobikonda kedo
I argued and jumped into the sea, but
そこは海じゃなくて お城の庭園の小さな池の中でした
soko wa umi janakute oshiro no teien no chiisana ike no naka deshita
It wasn't the sea, but a small pond in the castle garden
月明かりが 照らす窓辺の王子様
tsukiakari ga terasu madobe no oujisama
The prince by the window illuminated by moonlight
minamo ni utsuru yokogao
His profile reflected on the water's surface
kokoro zawameku ike no naka de watashi
In the pond where my heart flutters
鯉に 落ちました
koi ni ochimashita
I fell in love (TL Note: the kanji is the fish koi)
だけど 今の私には 伝えられない
dakedo ima no watashi ni wa tsutaerarenai
But in my current state, I can't convey this
だって 彼のそばにゆく足も
datte kare no soba ni yuku ashi mo
Because I have neither legs to go to him
kotonoha mo nai
Nor words to speak
ねぇ、お月さま お願い 魔法を解いて
nee, otsukisama onegai mahou o toite
Hey, Moon, please break the spell
すぐに 愛を届けに行きたい
sugu ni ai o todoke ni ikitai
I want to deliver my love immediately
ano hito no moto e
To that person
hoshizora ni negau no
I wish upon the starry sky
imadoki no otsukisama wa totemo
The moon of today is very understanding
話のわかる ナイスガイで
hanashi no wakaru naisugai de
A nice guy who understands
月夜の間だけ 元の姿に
tsukiyo no aida dake moto no sugata ni
During the moonlit night, he returned me to my original form
watashi o modoshite kuremashita
He restored me
月明かりの下で 私と王子様
tsukiakari no shita de watashi to oujisama
Under the moonlight, the prince and I
kiseki no you na shunkan
A miraculous moment
鼓動高鳴る 大地の上ふたり
kodou takanaru daichi no ue futari
The two of us on the ground with our hearts pounding
meguri aimashita
We met