Translation by Ungrave

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice 決闘の後なら badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice お腹が壊れる badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice 幽香に教わったんだ badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice

ブッ飛ぶまで飲みな 何度負けても懲りない fightin' like a gate keepr イカれてる like 東方ゴリラ oh しかたない 久しぶり 悔し涙より飲みたいや 腐ってる林檎を たっぷり絞って飲む 幽香のもとではご褒美はこいつよ グイッと行く じゃあ正露丸いる badapple juice, badapple juice マジで腹緩むが夢幻館はトイレ1つだけだ くるみよりも先に並ばなくちゃ それじゃ横入りだ

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice 決闘の後なら badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice お腹が壊れる badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice 幽香に教わったんだ badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice

yeah もしなけりゃカルピス 飲めるのに悲しい and drinkin' one more time 腹下す一杯だぜ まずいっ もう一杯 貧乏巫女に負ける 幽香にバレる まあちゃんと謝ったらこのジュースをくれる 大丈夫 守矢神社じゃ朝から日本酒が 出てきたりするって 諏訪子が言ってたけど welcome幻想郷 welcome幻想郷 裏山で暴走するオレンジは殺そう いつも思う 腐ってない林檎絞ればいいのに たまにならば林檎ぎゅ~ 絞っちゃえばいいのに

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice 決闘の後なら badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice お腹が壊れる badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice 幽香に教わったんだ badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice After a duel it’s, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Your stomach hurts, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Yuuka taught me about badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice

Don’t drink till you’re blown away Never learning from all your losses fightin' like a gate keepr Goin’ crazy like a Touhou gorilla oh can’t help it, it’s been awhile Rather than tears of regret, I’ll drink this These rotten apples Wrung out fully and drunk At Yuuka’s place this is the reward Chug it Well there’s seirogan badapple juice, badapple juice It really messes your stomach and the Mansion of Fantasies has one toilet Need to line up behind Kurumi or else that’s cutting

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice After a duel it’s, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Your stomach hurts, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Yuuka taught me about badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice

yeah if there’s none then there’s Calpis It’s drinkable but sad and drinkin' one more time A stomach dropping cup, tastes gross, another If I lose to the poor miko, Yuuka will find out Well if I apologize she’ll give me this juice It’s fine, at the Moriya Shrine they have sake right from morning, is what Suwako told me welcome Gensoukyo welcome Gensoukyo Run wild in the back mountains, let’s kill Orange I’ve always thought it fine to just use non-rotten apples Once in a while squeezing fresh apples would be fine

we need a badapple juice, badapple juice After a duel it’s, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Your stomach hurts, badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice Yuuka taught me about badapple juice badapple juice, badapple juice do you wanna drinkin', badapple juice