Rainy Weather, Get Away!

Translated by Ungrave

Note that if you are listening to the らぶちゅ!2 version, Nanahira sings the Haruka Nana part and Koko sings the Nanahira part from the original. This is the Nana Koko version, see this page for the Nana Nana version. https://ungrave.notion.site/GET-AWAY-90d873b3cf74463680e9c2262f4a38f7

Nanahira Koko

昨日の夜から降り続いてる雨 今日は傘持ち そんな気分はブルー… 湿気で全然まとまらない髪 時間はギリギリ しかもどこなのプレゼント(もぉーっ!)

水たまりに突っ込んで びしょびしょになった靴も 君の(元気に)笑顔で(笑って) 乾いていくから!

あめふり天気も 跳ねのけちゃうくらいで いっしょに(遊ぼう) いま楽しいことをしようよ

相合傘して 街をお散歩しよう お願い(お祈り) 機嫌斜め天気に虹をかけて

てるてる坊主をぶら下げて あめふり天気をGET AWAY!

明日の天気は全国日本晴れ なんて予報を 信じて飛び出せば 突然暗雲頬に当たる雨 日常茶飯事だけどツイてない、ため息(はぁー…)

駆け込み雨宿りの びしょびしょ屋根の下に 君が(それは)偶然(運命) いればいいのにな!

「あ、遊びに行かないっ?///」 「うん、行こっ!」

あめふり天気も 気にしないでいいんだ いっしょに(お出かけ) デートに行かなきゃもったいない

傘持つ右手の 反対の手、握って みつめる(ドキドキ) こんな天気もたまには 妥協点

靴を飛ばして占おう あめふり天気をGET AWAY!


あめふり天気も 跳ねのけちゃうくらいで いっしょに(遊ぼう) いま楽しいことをしようよ

相合傘して 街をお散歩しよう お願い(お祈り) 機嫌斜め天気に虹をかけて

てるてる坊主をぶら下げて あめふり天気をGET AWAY!

It’s been raining since late last night Today I have an umbrella, but I’m feeling blue My hair wouldn’t settle from humidity, just barely on time, plus where’s the present? (geez!)

Even though that puddle Got my shoes soaking wet Your (cheerful) smile (laugh) Will dry them off!

Even the rainy weather Can just be brushed off Together (let’s play) Let’s do something fun now!

Let’s share an umbrella And stroll around the city Please (I pray) Put a rainbow in this dreary weather!

Hanging up a teru teru bozu (1) Rainy weather Get Away!

The whole country will be sunny tomorrow was forecast, which I believed and ran out Sudden dark clouds and rain hitting my cheek This always happens but how unlucky, I sigh (sigh…)

Rushing for shelter from the rain Under a soaking wet roof If you were (that would be) by chance (fate) There too it would be nice!

”W, want to go play? ///” ”Sure, let’s go!”

Even the rainy weather is fine to not mind Together (go out) Not going on a date would be a waste!

Holding the umbrella in my right hand And holding hands with the other Our eyes meet (doki doki) Have to compromise with this weather sometimes

Let’s kick off our shoes for a fortune (2) Rainy weather Get Away!

\One, two, three hai!/

Even the rainy weather Can just be brushed off Together (let’s play) Let’s do something fun now!

Let’s share an umbrella And stroll around the city Please (I pray) Put a rainbow in this dreary weather!

Hanging up a teru teru bozu Rainy weather Get Away!

  1. A teru teru bozu is one of those little ghost looking dolls they like to hang up in the window when it’s raining to drive off the rain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teru_teru_bōzu
  2. There’s this children’s game in Japan where they throw their shoes and the way they land tells what the weather will be like. Up is good, down is bad.