Translation by Kamppi

(Hi,vår!) ねぇ見てほら今 季節は色づいて(God morgen vår!) 雪解け水が流れるメロディー 誘うように ふくらむ蕾たち(God morgen vår!) 目ざめの時をきっと 夢に見ているから

深い森の中 閉ざされた世界 ずっとひとりきり待っていた いつかこの冬も 凍てついた手も 溶ける時が君の手で 来ることを (僕は 待っている 待っている ずっと)

薪を割る音が響く光の中 微睡んだ景色は (Oi!Oi!Nei men!) 過ぎ去る季節告げて綻ぶ花開き 鳥は歌う (takk!takk!takk vår!)

終わらない夜が明ける頃 (God morgen vår!) 春の息吹 ほら芽生えるから (God morgen vår!) 新しい朝を君と迎えよう ふたりで

(Hi,vår!) ねぇ見てほら今 風さえ華やいで 見渡す限り碧に染まる丘 木々の隙間 子リスも顔出して (God morgen vår!) 永い夢からそっと 目ざめの時告げる

刻む針の音 感じてるサイン 瞼を閉じて眠ってる 君がこの冬も 凍えてる今日も 越える時がすぐそこに 来ていると (君を 呼んでいる 呼んでいる ずっと)

街並みが虹に染まる眩しい朝 太陽に包まれ (Oi!Oi!Nei men!) はるかな海を渡り届く春を祝え 共に踊ろう (takk!takk!takk vår!)

終わらない夜もあと少し (God morgen vår!) 春の息吹 君をくすぐって (God morgen vår!) 新しい朝はきっと始まる もうすぐ

話したいことがたくさんでスキップしたくなる 君に会えたら何しよう? 花咲く丘や 森の木漏れ日 全部 全部 探しに行こう 一緒に 手をつなぎどこまでも

木を打つ音が響く 光の中 微睡んだ景色は (Oi!Oi!Nei men!) 過ぎ去る季節告げて綻ぶ花開き 鳥は歌う (takk!takk!takk vår!) 世界が虹に染まる眩しい朝 太陽に包まれ (Oi!Oi!Nei men!) はるかな海を渡り 届く春を祝え 共に踊ろう (takk!takk!takk vår!)

終わらない夜が明ける頃 (God morgen vår!) 春の息吹 ほら芽生えるから (God morgen vår!) 新しい朝を君と迎えよう ふたりで

(Hi, spring!) Hey, look, the season is turning colors now (Good morning, spring!) The melody of melting snow flowing The buds swelling up invitingly (Good morning, spring!) Because I'm sure I'm dreaming of waking up

Deep in the forest, a closed world I've been waiting all this time alone Someday, this winter and my frozen hands Will melt by your hand I am waiting, waiting, always

The sound of chopping firewood echoes in the light, in a slumbering landscape (Hey! Hey! No way!) Announcing the passing season, flowers bloom and open, the birds sing (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, spring!)

When the never-ending night dawns (Good morning, spring!) The breath of spring, see, it comes to life (Good morning, spring!) Let's welcome the new morning with you, together

(Hi, spring!) Hey, look, even the wind feels lively now As far as the eye can see, the hills are dyed green Between the trees, a baby squirrel peeks out (Good morning, spring!) Gently announcing the time to awaken from a long dream

The ticking of the clock hands, a sign I can feel My eyelids closed, I'm sleeping This winter you're shivering, and today too The time to overcome this is just around the corner (I am calling you, calling you, always)

The townscape is dyed with rainbow colors, a dazzling morning enveloped in sunlight (Hey! Hey! No way!) Celebrate the spring that reaches across the distant sea, let's dance together (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, spring!)

The never-ending night is almost over (Good morning, spring!) The breath of spring tickles you (Good morning, spring!) Surely the new morning will begin very soon

There's so much I want to talk about that I feel like skipping What should we do if I got to see you? Blooming hills, sunlight through the trees, all of it, all of it, let's go looking for it, together Holding hands as far as we can go

The sound of trees being struck echoes in the light, in a slumbering landscape (Hey! Hey! No way!) Announcing the passing season, flowers bloom and open, the birds sing (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, spring!) The world is dyed with rainbow colors, a dazzling morning enveloped in sunlight (Hey! Hey! No way!) Celebrate the spring that reaches across the distant sea, let's dance together (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, spring!)

When the never-ending night dawns (Good morning, spring!) The breath of spring, see, it comes to life (Good morning, spring!) Let's welcome the new morning with you, together