Translated by Ungrave at 1/8 scale
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
Beat! Sweet! Girly! Rock!x4
1/8くらいのコンパクトなトキメキ降って 慣れない心にインパクトが膨れ上がって
威嚇射撃の銃声 驚いちゃった反動で 透明ビニール傘開いてごめんなさい
ちゃんとよく見てるよ ちゃんとわかっているけど スケール大きくて 受け止めきれないプラスチック
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love! Wonder scale Please 1/8!
Beat! Sweet! Girly! Rock!x4
威嚇乱射の銃声 聞き飽きちゃった流れで 透明ビニール傘閉じて歩き出す
1/8くらいの安上がりな言葉は ちょっとしたレシピで何倍にも膨れるのに
ちゃんとよく見てるの? ビニール越しでも スケール縮めて わかりやすいプラスチック
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
目が覚めたのはケチャップを取ろうとした手が ミルクをこぼした 昨日のBreakfastの続きなの?
ちゃんとよく見てるよ ちゃんとわかっているけど スケール大きくて 受け止めきれないプラスチック
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
I Hearing feeling & Happy! Yes! Beat Sweet "Girly Rock" Love! Wonder scale Please 1/8!
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
Beat! Sweet! Girly! Rock!x4
A compact heart beat about 1/8 comes down Swelling up my unfamiliar heart with the impact
The warning shot sound startled me, the recoil opened a clear plastic umbrella I’m sorry
I’m diligently watching close And I definitely understand but The scale is too big I can’t quite catch all the plastic
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love! Wonder scale Please 1/8!
Beat! Sweet! Girly! Rock!x4
I’ve gotten tired of hearing the flow of warning shots Close my clear plastic umbrella and start walking
Even though the cheap words, about 1/8, can swell up many times with just a little recipe
Are you really watching closely? Even through the vinyl Reduce the scale To make the plastic easier to understand
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
What woke me up was the hand that tried to grab the ketchup spilling the milk. Is this a continuation of yesterday’s breakfast?
I’m diligently watching close And I definitely understand but The scale is too big I can’t quite catch all the plastic
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
Oh Beat Sweet Girly Rock I hearing feeling & Happy Yes Beat Sweet Girly Rock Love Wonder scale Why 1/8?
I Hearing feeling & Happy! Yes! Beat Sweet "Girly Rock" Love! Wonder scale Please 1/8!