Translation by Ungrave
僕達を繋げてた 細い通信ケーブル いつの間にか失くしちゃった 代わりに電波が僕らの手を繋ぐ
形が変わって 匂いが変わって 昨日とだってさえ違うけど それでもきっと あの頃とずっと 僕はそう 今も同じはず
Looking For A New Adventure! 秘密基地の草むら なぜか覚えてるよ 今でも Looking For A New Adventure! まっさらな旅立ちは 忘れかけてた わくわくが詰まっている
いつまでも電池式のゲームで 遊んでないさ それなのにその頃の思い出 見つめてばかり 「今」って辛いの?
"カセット"だって "ディスク"でさえなくなってしまった冒険も 少年の日の 少女だったひと時とそう 今も同じはず
Looking For A New Adventure! さよならはまた今度 いつだってほら 待っていてくれる Looking For A New Adventure! ちょっぴりのお別れは 笑顔のままで ピカピカに輝くこの冒険に向けて 進みはじめるのだから
Looking For A New Adventure! 秘密基地の草むら なぜか覚えてるよ 今でも Looking For A New Adventure! まっさらな旅立ちは 忘れかけてた わくわくが詰まっている
The thin communication cable that used to connect us We lost it before we knew it, in exchange, denpa now joins our hands
The form changes, the smell changes, even from yesterday it’s all different Even so, surely, same as back then, I must be the same even now
Looking For A New Adventure! The grass in our secret base For some reason I still remember it, even now Looking For A New Adventure! This brand new departure Is packed full of that excitement I had forgotten
We’re not going to be playing battery powered games forever Even still, when I look back on my memories from then why does “now” hurt?
Even if the adventure no longer has “cassettes” or “disks” Our days as little boys and girls, now surely must be the same
Looking For A New Adventure! Farewell is just see you another time You see, It’s always waiting for us Looking For A New Adventure! It’s just a small parting With smiles on our faces, facing our sparkling adventure, we begin moving
Looking For A New Adventure! The grass in our secret base For some reason I still remember it, even now Looking For A New Adventure! This brand new departure Is packed full of that excitement I had forgotten
Carrying a backpack full of treasures, I start walking