Translation by Ungrave

流れ星 乗ったら どんな夢見たい? みんな プププ ショートケーキ 流れ星 乗ったら まるで夢みたい! それは プププ 空の彼方 Let's Go ベジタブルバレー アイスクリームアイランド バターでできた ビルを超えて 流れ星 乗ってさ 君と 何処行こう? 今日は プププ 夢の泉 グレープガーデン ヨーグルトのYARD オレンジの海 日が沈むよ

さあ 虹の向こう 僕らの流星 Shooting Shooting Star 悲しみも 涙さえも 吸い込んで ほら HALの夜の 夢の如し Wraping Wraping Heart あの坂も どんな山も 飛び越えて 君の隣に 二人乗りで いつまでも いつまでも イタイだけさ

さあ 虹の向こう 僕らの流星 Shooting Shooting Star 悲しみも 涙さえも 吸い込んで ほら HALの夜の 夢の如し Wraping Wraping Heart あの坂も どんな山も 飛び越えて

さあ 虹の向こう 僕らの流星 Shooting Shooting Star 悲しみも 涙さえも 吸い込んで ほら HALの夜の 夢の如し Wraping Wraping Heart あの坂も どんな山も 飛び越えて

君の横顔 ずっと ずっと 眺めてイタイよ どうしよう I cannot copy

If you were to board a shooting star, what sort of dreams do you want to see? Everyone’s pupupu shortcake If you were to board a shooting star, that’s almost like it’s a dream! That’s pupupu beyond the stars Let’s Go Vegetable Valley Ice Cream Island Pass over Butter Building Say I were to board a shooting star, where should I go with you? Today is pupupu Fountain of Dreams Grape Garden, Yogurt Yard Orange Ocean, as the sun sinks below

Now, to the other side of the rainbow, our shooting star Shooting Shooting Star Our sorrows, even our tears get swallowed up See HAL’s Night as if it were a dream Wraping Wraping Heart Even that hill, or whatever mountain, we’ll fly over Beside you, riding together forever forever, I just want you there

Now, to the other side of the rainbow, our shooting star Shooting Shooting Star Our sorrows, even our tears get swallowed up See HAL’s Night as if it were a dream Wraping Wraping Heart Even that hill, or whatever mountain, we’ll fly over

Now, to the other side of the rainbow, our shooting star Shooting Shooting Star Our sorrows, even our tears get swallowed up See HAL’s Night as if it were a dream Wraping Wraping Heart Even that hill, or whatever mountain, we’ll fly over

The side of your face, always, always I want to stare at it, what should I do I cannot copy

Incidentally here’s a list of levels from Kirby’s Adventure (NES) in order of bosses

  1. Vegetable Valley
  2. Ice Cream Island
  3. Butter Building
  4. Grape Garden
  5. Yogurt Yard
  6. Orange Ocean
  7. Rainbow Resort
  8. Fountain of Dreams