The Great Nabe of GOD

Translation by Ungrave (it’s a bit rough with unexplained references atm), Nabe means hot pot

Nana, Koko, Momo, Together

"NABE!" 鍋を食ったら真夏炎天下 汗をかいた赤道の直下 Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE 鍋を食ったまさにイノベーション 腹ン中 巻き起こる鍋ーション Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

鍋を食ったクーラーで冷え性 すぐ火照ったソーラーで解消 Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE 鍋を食った具だくさんヘルシー 茹で上がったお肉さん美味しい Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

夏こそ燃えるぜ 温活 サッパリ元気に 塩レモン 甘辛大好き 夏すき 激アツ 蒙古炎鍋

怒らせたらダメ *鍋将軍 上澄みピンハネ *アク代官 手を出したら ヤケドしちゃう うちら食べ頃 待ち娘


Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!" Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!"

あらゆる食材よ ひとつになれ "NABE!" 混沌の終焉に ひとつ答え "NABE!"

鍋はきっと God の賜物 ならばもっと心酔しあがめよ Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE 鍋を食った瞬間ハレーション 腹ン中は虹のグラデーション Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE 鍋を食ったからにゃ眷属 まだ火照った体 満足 Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE 鍋の中で巻き起こるワンダー 誰も彼もが食い過ぎたんだ Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

お味噌仕立ての 石狩 ごはんを巻いて きりたんぽ 最上山形 芋煮 ヤな顔すんなよ 柳川

お腹がへったら たら汁 鯨も急いで はりはり こいつはめでたい 鯛ちり 瀬戸内ええじゃん ぶちええじゃん

温活 温活 温活 温活 温活 温活 温活 温活 温活 "NABE!"

Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!" Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!"

あらゆる食材よ ひとつになれ "NABE!" 混沌の終焉に ひとつ答え "NABE!" あらゆる食材よ ひとつになれ 混沌の終焉に ひとつ答え

大地よ 海原よ Oh-oh 大空よ Oh 雨よ 太陽よ Wow wow 大地よ 海原よ Oh-oh 大空よ Oh 雨よ 太陽よ Wow wow

"NABE!" When I eat nabe under the blazing midsummer sun, you’ll sweat like you’re at the equator Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE Eating nabe is truly innovation, in my stomach wells up with *nabe-*tion. Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

Eating nabe instantly cured my cooler chills with solar flush Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE The nabe I ate packed full of healthy, it’s boiled meat is tasty Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

Gotta burn in the summer so keep it warm Become refreshingly energetic with salty lemon I love sweet and salty I love summer Super thick Mongolian fire nabe

Don’t make him angry *Nabe General Skim him off the top *Scum Magistrate If you stick your hand in it’ll get burned We’re girls just waiting to eat


Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!" Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!"

All kinds of ingredients, come together as one “NABE!” At the end of chaos, there’s one answer “NABE!”

Nabe must be a boon of God, so it should be revered Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE The moment I ate nabe caused a halation, in my stomach was a rainbow gradation Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE After eating nabe my family’s warmed bodies were satisfied Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE The inside of nabe wells with wonder, everyone ate too much Wow wow wow wow wow EATING NABE

Ishikari made up of miso (1) Kiritanpo wrapped in rice (2) The best Imoi in Yamagata (3) Yanagawa don’t make that sour face (4)

If you’re hungry then there’s cod soup (5) Even whales rush for harihari (6) This is great taichiri (7) Setouchi is great, super great (8)

Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu Onkatsu "NABE!" (9)

Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!" Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Baby-Baby-Bay Now-Na-Now-Na-Now Say "NABE!"

All kinds of ingrediants, come together as one “NABE!” At the end of chaos, there’s one answer “NABE!” All kinds of ingrediants, come together as one “NABE!” At the end of chaos, there’s one answer “NABE!”

Oh Earth, Oh Sea, Oh-oh oh the heavens Oh rain Oh sun Wow wow Oh Earth, Oh Sea, Oh-oh oh the heavens Oh rain Oh sun Wow wow

  1. Ishikari nabe is a regional nabe from Hokkaido which uses miso as a base.
  2. Kiritanpo is a mashed rice skewer from Akita that’s roasted over a fire and added to nabe
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  9. Onkatsu = things that warm you up like eating nabe or drinking something warm